Cannot edit in text editor; locks out; can only view in text mode

Hi, folks
As per the subject line. Cannot save or cancel from Text editor window. Must quit WordPress.
Any ideas? Also, trying to integrate WooCommerce into Automator Child Theme. Doable? Not for me, so far, unless I use short codes (which is currently not available because of text editor problems). Defeats purpose of drag-and-drop theme.
Many thanks.

Hi Joanne,

Sorry to hear about the issues, sounds like there may be a plugin conflict there preventing BB to operate as it should with the text editor. Please go ahead and go the plugin route, i.e. disable all of your plugins and test BB to see if it works as it should. If it does, go ahead and start reactivating your other plugins one by one while testing BB to see if you can pinpoint the culprit. Let us know what you find!

Re. WooCommerce, you shouldn’t have any issues using Woo/BB. Under the advanced tab, there is a WooCommerce module that you can use in your pages and several others available in the widgets tab that you can drag into your layouts. If going the shortcode route, give the HTML module a shot there.


Hi, Billy
Have gone ahead and disabled WooCommerce. A colleague and I discussed it. WooCommerce is too big and powerful for the few shopping carts requires. Will find an alternate to make PayPal payments. Since I disabled WooCommerce, I can edit text in PageBuilder. Perhaps a problem that arose once updates for PageBuilder and WooCommerce were enacted? Thanks again.

Interesting! I have Woo installed in a few test sites and they operate as they should together. Did you notice any issues with other plugins by chance that could be the root of this?
