Changed size of site, or margins possibly and now all I've got is a white screen

I believe I changed the width or possibly the width of the margins of the site on beaver builder and accidentally changed it to a Low number and now have a white screen of death. How can resolve this?

Depends what the error is, have you enabled WP_DEBUG to see what the error is?

I have no idea what that is sorry. It says page caching is not detected under my site health.

in the wp-config.php file you’ll find a setting to enable WP debug mode, then the error should be revealed in the page. In the meantime if there was in fact a fatal error WP should have emailed you and the error will be in your server log. Is there a link to this white page?

where do I find this file?

I believe the problem is from broken code as I changed the width from 1100 to 500 so I already know the problem but Beaver Builder won’t let me back into the plugin to fix the issue and just goes white screen.

the wp-config.php file will be in the folder you installed Wordpress into. Use your hosts file manager if you have one.

What code are you talking about? How is Beaver Builder not letting you back in, back into what? What is the URL to this white page?