Fixed Vertical Nav help


I asked this in the FB group, but I want to check here to see if this is possible. My client wants vertical navigation, in a fixed left sidebar like this website:

I was able to closely recreate the left sidebar NOT using Themer, but I need to add more content than just the main menu (I want to include logo, phone, address, call to action). The dev site is

You could try shortcode in menu to insert BB saved modules (containing the extra items):

Also, just an idea, maybe it’s possible to hook into your vertical bar and insert a saved module (extra items) with a BB shortcode.

I found this: and it seems to work.

It seems to be an old BB version in the article, can’t find « Enable templates admin » in recent BB Settings, but it should be the way to hook before/after the menu and insert content with a BB shortcode for sure.