Full Page Row

Is it possible to make a row or section automatically fill to the size of the screen? I looked in docs but couldn’t see anything.

Hey Mike,

Yes, we just released that capability with rows. In any row settings panel, we have a height option to where you can select full height. Hope that helps!


Thanks, works perfectly :slight_smile:

I have run into an issue with this. I want to get this layout full screen.

http://prntscr.com/8w0hh5 (typed it in but it didn’t come out right after posted)

The problem is when a row goes full height it can only have a set column layout. How to I create a layout at full height?

One of your pre-built homepages has it but I can’t figure out how to have multiple rows in one row

Ahh never mind I figured it out. I was using empty columns so no drag handles. When I added some stuff I could drag it to right place.

Cool, glad you figured it out! Enjoy! :slight_smile: