How can i update fl_builder_data dynamically.

i want to update fl_builder_data dynamically.i got fl_builder post data with query and now i want to update it and remove some rows conditionaly and update it dynamically. as i am looking the json_decode() and unserailize() is not working with fl_builder_data.

how can i update or remove some content from fl_builder_data

Hi harmandersingh,

If you pull fl_builder_data using get_option, it should be unserailized for you by WordPress. Give that a shot and let me know how it goes.


Hi Justin,

Thanks,get_post_meta() works for me.i have update or remove fl_builder_data works well.Thanks for your response.

can i add data dynamically or not?
like if i want to add a row and coulmn inside it possible.if yes then how can i add.

Great! Unfortunately, adding data might not be as easy. You might try looking at the methods FLBuilderModel::add_row and FLBuilderModel::add_col_group to get an idea as to how that could be done.