I have made changes to a page that will not save

I made changes to a page a few different times and when I hit publish the changes appear to be made, but when I close the site out and check, they are not made.

I am uploading screen shots - the changes will not take. I guess I can only upload 1 image, but I have all three, making changes, publishing them, they appear to be made, and then when I check, they were not made
(upload://v3jp2RMLJOm3fg1YvmOR5FjqdMk.png) ![here ive made the changes|690x368]

more problems. I created a post and published it. then I went in and added a row with a photo and and text, which I can see in beaver builder. I hit publish. I can still see it. looks great. then I go look at the live site, and the changes are not made. https://kswrightassociates.com/market-commentary/q1-is-a-rotation-underway/