It can do this with bb?

Hello BB team;

I wonder if the bb is compatible with Tema Épico:

Purchase page:

I use it in I blog and would like to use bb to create e-catch pages as are here:

It can create something with bb?

Email conformation pages as are:

It can create something with bb?

Thank you.

And here the product sales page :

Hey Rafael,

Sorry to say but we wouldn’t really know if BB is compatible unless one has tried it. Is this a theme? I’ll just leave this to the community as someone else might have tried it already.


Yes. is theme for blog.

Hey Rafael,

Sorry but we won’t really know if it’s compatible or not until someone uses it. I think they have a refund policy. You can purchase the product and test it with BB. If it’s not compatible, just ask for a refund. :slight_smile:
