

I was wondering if it is possible to build this mockup with BB:

It is a slider on top of a page, where the following items need to be overlayed on the slider:

  • logo (right floated)
  • menu with full-width transparant background and navigation centered.

I succeeded in adding an image and the logo, but have problems getting the navgation in. Would it be possible to overlay a fullwidth row on a fullwidt row?

I am developing it locally so I can’t add a link.

Hey Karl,

Welcome to the BB forums! This would entirely depend on the the theme that you are using. If you are using our theme, this can’t be done OOB. However, you can use our No Header/Footer layout, or maybe just remove the Header on all pages via the theme customizer, and create the layout using the BB Page Builder entirely. You can apply a Slideshow as a background to a row, place a Photo module for the logo on the right side, then use the custom menu widget for the navigation(while our Menu module hasn’t been released officially), and apply custom CSS.

Hope this helps!
