Multi-picklist not visible in BB


No idea here sorry…Using Fusion Avada 5.7 and BB to setup a lead form and have inserted a Freshsales (CRM) form script into an HTML module and the multi-select picklist field does not show up properly and only show picklist values when you roll over them.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


Can you provide a link to the page in question, please.

Hey Danny, here is the page. I have removed the multi-select picklist from the bottom of the form and havea work around in place using checkboxes. Not keen on making the field live as it displays like the previous screenshot. Is that enough info?


Hi JJ,

In order to diagnose the issue, I will need to see the issue first hand. Is it possible to create a new page which has the multi-select so I can take a look.

Hey Danny,

Here is a link to a page with the multi picklist inserted

And here is a link to the form URL straight out of freshsales.

The issue is when it is placed into a HTML module using BB that results in the picklist field acting strange.
Hope you can help.

Hey Danny,

Any luck finding a solution here?


So it looks like the BB CSS is impacting it. Try adding the CSS below and see if this resolves the issue.

.fl-module-html .fserv-field .select2-results__option[aria-selected] {
    color: #333 !important;