Possible to deactivate Text Editor for different Post types (i.e. Pages)?

Hi all,
I wondered if it’s possible to hide/deaktivate the standard Text editor and instead only show the Page Builder by Default, like here (in the Templates Post-Type):

Secondly, is it possible to translate the strings that are still in English, since now it’s a mix of english and german?


Hey Mattis,

I’ve already assigned someone from the team to assist you with your concern.


Hey Mattis,

Not too sure on hiding the text editor tab, you would have to do some google searching to see if a way as that is native WordPress. Re. Translation, we have a German translator that is pretty quick on updates, but we’ll check in with him to see when we can expect the next. We are at their mercy on timeline, but most of our translators are pretty quick due to the fact they use BB in their workflow. If you need it asap, you are welcome to do so and provide us the .po files for our next update.


Hey Ben & Billy,
Thanks for the response. I researched and found the following Option.

use a hook like this in wp-content/themes/themeXXXXX/includes/theme-function.php:

add_filter(‘wp_default_editor’, create_function(’’, ‘return “html”;’));

Have you used this method to set the Page builder as the only/default editor for Templates?
If so, what command did you use (instead of html)?


Hey Mattis,

No, we haven’t tried that as we haven’t had the need to remove that tab in the editor. Feel free to give it a shot and let us know how it goes.


Hi All!

Any Solution?

I also want to turn off the text and html editor tab. If this is not possible, how can I set the BB editor tab to default (for the first time, when a page is created)?

