Responsive breakpoints - column responsive breakpoint


As i use Bbuilder… amazing, fluid and exactly what i was looking for !

I am sure you still will improve it.

I would like to make a suggestion / question about reponsive breakpoints. Maybe it is possible to add some options without breaking BB spirit.

About responsive breakpoints :

When i create 50%/50% row, i like the way the content modules inside the two columns create in the row feal responsive.

But is it possible to change a column responsive breakpoint when thery are 2 / 3 / 4 etc ?

I have seen in the global options that we can set two Responsive breakpoints. But it will affect columns AND modules responsive behaviour.

Is there a way to only change the columns responsive breakpoints when they are more than one ?

Thanks guys.

Hey Adelino,

Actually this ability already existing in the column settings! :slight_smile: After placing modules into columns, a new icon is introduced that resembles a book. This can be used to access the column settings and specifically more robust responsive settings in the advanced tab. Go ahead and take a look at those options and let us know if that helps!


Like i said, exactly the plugin i was looking for :wink: