Single-Page website and Menu

I’m creating a website that works for the most part as a single-page website (

Everything is working great but I’m having an issue with the menu. I’m linking to different parts of the homepage from the menu using IDs, and that causes the menu on the homepage to highlight most items using the hover color. I understand its happening because technically most menu items are active since they all link to the same page.

Is it possible to get it to only highlight the current row, or only one link for the current page.

By the way the menus work as expected on the other pages


Hey Arturo,

I just checked the site on my end and it works fine. No menu item is highlighted using the hover color, unless I hover on it. Do you think you can share a video or maybe a screenshot of it happening so we can take a look? Also, what browser are you using and on what OS?


Hi Ben,

Here is a link to the video, the first part is on the home page where everything has the highlight color and the second part is a single project, that works as expected.

I’ve tested on both Chrome and Safari and had the same problem, I’m running El Capitan.


Hey Arturo,

I tried searching for a way to do this but it seems there’s no easy way around it. I guess what you can do is override the CSS that’s currently there so it doesn’t show the hovered color.



No worries! Enjoy BB! :slight_smile:
