Speed Booster Pack, Background Image and BB Cache

I have an issue on mobile devices with background images I set for the rows when Speed Booster Pack plugin is enabled. I have no issues on websites without BB plugin.

Under Speed Booster Pack after enabling an option “Load CSS asynchronously” the background image doesn’t display any more on mobile devices. The background image link changes to “http://www.metapartner.com/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/http:/www.metapartner.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/mp-anfrage.jpg” and I’m getting 404 (not found) error. It looks like some issue with bb cache.

You can test my website metapartner.com with chrome developers tools and device simulator.
I attach the screenshot:

Chrome Dev Tools Mobile Device

Could you please check that out.

Best regards,

Hey Damian,

Sure enough, I can recreate the issue on my local dev. I’ve already filed a bug report and see if there’s something we can do about it. Thanks for the heads up! :slight_smile:


Hey Ben,

I have tested another performance optimization plugin Autoptimize and there I don’t have any problems with background pictures.

I just wanted to let you know, so you don’t spend time for fixing it, if it’s not bb plugin but speed booster issue.

Best regards,

Thanks for taking the time to inform us, Damian! I’ll go ahead and mark this as resolved then. Have fun with BB! :slight_smile:
