Theme Question - Header Related
Above is the site that is almost finished. Not big, but still waiting on new images for the slider.
I am using the BB themes. While “Serving The Philadelphia Metro Area. Since the 1920’s. Call Today 215.934.7100” may be OK for them on a PC, on the mobile it look different or needs to be removed.
I know an updated theme is almost ready for release. Will it be easier to add images or text to the right side of the header? Will options be added to Change display in responsive layouts? (see below) Or, do you have a suggestion or way to remove it in mobile view?

I must say that the ability to ‘Choose whether to show or hide modules based on device size’ is a very special feature. I only used it once before to forbid a module to show on mobile, but on this site on the contact page, it worked perfectly to properly put the people in order. On large devices, the ordering goes left to right. On mobile it goes top down. A wonderful feature, which I expect to use more of, as it can be so important. Amazing!

Thanks Guys!
Jon P

Hi Jon,

You could use the following media query to hide the “Serving The Philadelphia Metro Area…”.

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .fl-page-nav-bottom .fl-page-header-content {
    display: none;

Alternatively, you could use this media query to align the text to the center. Which may look better on mobile devices.


@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .fl-page-nav-bottom .fl-page-header-content p {
    text-align: center;


Not sure if I am missing something but Is there a setting somewhere that controls the Header / Logo text when the fixed header is selected in Header Layout. I have resolved the fonts and layouts of the logo and Navigation within the Header but when the page scrolls and the fixed Header kicks in the Font size changes | increases

Logo descriptor in words text goes from 20px to 28px ?

I thought the Nav title descriptors were also changing but they seem the same in both states at 14px, save for a movement left of the whole navigation on page movement which looks like a function of the addition of the search icon appearing (right) on the second state

Would love to know if I can stop the font size increasing on page movement with fixed header option.
Thank you

Where does this bit of code go?

Hi Jon,

You can add either media query to your custom CSS via your child theme’s style.css file or via the Customizer > Code > CSS Code.


Can you create your own topic, please. As I am going to be marking this as resolved. In your topic can you provide a link to your site, so we can take a closer look.


Hi Danny ,
Yes sorry oops didn’t realise I had jumped in on someone else’s topic
Will re submit
Thanks Chris

No worries Chris. It’s just that if Jon has subscribed to his topic. He is going to be receiving emails form both our replies.
