White Label Branding

I want to offer white label branding for anyone with Agency version, is there a way to check the version?

Do they all install into bb-plugin folder (excluding the lite version) or does the folder differentiate allowing me to use this?

if( is_plugin_active( 'bbs/fl-builder.php' ) ) {-plugin


I did try using

if (function_exists('render_page_heading')) {
echo esc_html(FLBuilderModel::get_branding());

I am closer

if (method_exists('FLBuilderAdminSettings','render_page_heading')) {
            $branding = esc_html(FLBuilderModel::get_branding()) . ' Modules ';
        } else {
            $branding =  'BeaverLodgeHQ Modules';

The issue is now that I want to echo the name change, instead it is echoing the default Page Builder

Hey Jon,

The branding settings file is only available in the Agency version. You could check for that like this…

if ( file_exists( FL_BUILDER_DIR . 'includes/admin-settings-branding.php' ) ) {
    // White labeling exists.

We typically check for the existence of features instead of a particular version in case they get added to another version in the future or are already a part of more than one version.


How do I echo the input field though?

$branding = esc_html(FLBuilderModel::get_branding()) . ' Modules ';

Hey Jon,

FLBuilderModel::get_branding() returns the custom branded BB name. So you can grab that and do what you need with the value that is returned, including echoing it.
