1.7.4 Unclickable Modules

Just updated to 1.7.4 this morning and have a rather urgent issue:

As I mouse over certain rows, I am not able to click through and edit modules within the grid. I can only edit the row. I did find a weird random way around the bug.

  1. It only seems to be happening to Full width rows
  2. I think it’s only happening on Full width rows that have background images
    • If I edit the row, set it down to Fixed Width and Remove any backgrounds
    • Save the row
    • Save the page
  3. Go back to edit and set it back to how it was, all works as expected.

I have hundreds of pages across several sites, so doing the above really isn’t feasible. Ideas?

Further investigation: If I create a brand new page, the issue doesn’t seem to happen. It seems to only be happening to pages that already existed prior to the upgrade. Let me know if you need a username and pw to login and see the issue.

Hey David,

That is strange! Would you mind shooting over the site url as well as temp admin access? Also, a good page to see this in action would be great.


[Content Hidden]

Hmm…I’m having this exact issue on half a dozen sites now. As I mouse-in to a row, for example, I momentarily see a flash of the module I want to edit but it disappears.

I’ve tried it in several browsers—some “factory fresh” ones with no extensions or cache—and same thing.

[Content Hidden]

Hey Guys,

Yep, we have a bug here that we are looking into and will have a fix out for soon. In the meantime and I know it isn’t optimal, but if you need to edit, go ahead and remove the bg overlay which should allow you to edit.


No worries. The reason I bet on BB as our page builder of choice is because you guys LEAP onto issues, think ahead, and are incredibly responsive. So thanks for that.

Appreciate the kind words, Steve, we’re on it! :slight_smile:

@Billy Thank you! Will sit tight! Appreciate the quick response!

Hey guys,

Just letting you know we’ve already fixed this on our end and will be available in the next maintenance patch. You can use the CSS snippet below in the meantime to fix this issue.

.fl-block-overlay-active .fl-row-content {
  z-index: 100007 !important;


That did it Ben…thanks!

No worries at all, Steve! Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Update: we’ll be releasing 1.7.5 today as the bug seems to be a big one.