5th column on footer widgets

I need to add a fifth column to the footer columns, by default its only 4, could you please guide me on how to do that customization?

It’d be great if the theme had up to 6 columns by default for maximum flexibility!

Hey Carlos,

Sorry to say but we only have 4 max widgets for the footer. If you think having 6 columns would be a good idea, head over to our User Voice Forums and add that in as a feature request. :slight_smile:


I just did that,m thank you very much, but for the mint time, what files inside the theme folders could I modify to a achieve it myself ?

Hey Carlos,

Sorry but the way it’s being implemented, it’s kinda hard to override. If you check /includes/footer-widgets.php, you’ll notice a function is called FLTheme::display_footer_widgets(). You could add a new widget area on the footer-widgets.php file then play around with the styling.
