BB 1.4.9 hangs when editing page : Advanced Module used

As above.I’ve created a bunch of landing pages on

However, when I upgraded BB and then added on a latest post section to the page and then save, the whole thing hangs :frowning: I can’t add, delete nor do anything else. I’ve disabled all plugins, but the problem is still there with BB for that page. Makes me think that there’s a problem with the latest update

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Hey Leo,

That page is throwing several errors that are stopping BB from working. You mentioned already disabling plugins, but I believe there to be a conflict somewhere there. Would you mind going that route again one by one to see if you can pinpoint it? Also, I don’t know of any issues with WP Rocket at the moment, but it is entirely possible we are seeing another JS minification issue so perhaps, disable WP Rocket as well to see if that helps. Thanks Leo!


Hi Billy,

All plugins were disabled :slight_smile: Only BB is on. I’ve already given you access. Kindly take a look :slight_smile:

Hey Leo,

I just disabled all plugins with the exception of BB and tested to find it working as it should in a test page. There definitely is a plugin conflict so if you could narrow that down for us, that would be great and then we’ll take it from there.


Hi Billy,

That’s not true. Have you tried editing this page?

Nothing works, although only the BB plugin is on.

Even when we switch over to twenty fifteen, nothing works.

Hey Leo,

I am getting a identity confirmation security notice now that is preventing me from accessing the dashboard. Can you check on that? Also, what is the specific name of the page mentioned above? I want to access it from the dashboard directly as opposed to being put right into the builder.


Ah, that must be Rublon. I’ve turned it off. The name of the page? Home BB

Thanks. We’re looking into it now.

Thanks Billy. Do you have the previous version that I could roll back to?

Hey Leo,

I did some digging and found the bug, it’s related to the posts module when you’re not using pretty permalinks which is the case when working on a draft. If you publish that page, the issue should go away. It’s tricky and a bit hard to explain but I was able to recreate it on my test site and will be working on a fix today. Send me an email and I can get you the last version if you want.


Awesome :slight_smile: Thanks Justin! Keep up the awesome job with BB!

p/s: Hope to see more conversion elements :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Leo,

Actually, I just fixed the issue and patched your site :slight_smile: Let me know if you run into anything else.

p/s: Hope to see more conversion elements :p

We’ll hopefully be starting on that sooner than later!
