BB Post Modules - equal height columns for my featured image sizes

Hey guys,

There is a good choice of post modules in BB, but for my current dev I’m finding it difficult to get the balance right.

My client would like their blog posts to be displayed on the homepage with equal heights in one row of 4 or 5, they don’t want a slider, and their featured images are all approx 650px by 200px.

So I have tested the 2 options and neither supply all 3 requirements, the BB grid is great and the featured images look great but it doesn’t offer equal heights for posts and it will rearrange as a grid on smaller screens which can look a bit messy. The BB carousel, I really like and it works well on mobiles as the posts slide and don’t layer, but the featured images get cropped which isn’t a great look!

Is there a workaround I’m missing - can I get my images to sharply scale in the carousel module or is there a way of equalising the heights for the grid posts? I realise it’s the nature of the grid so would ask if there are plans for a new post module in the pipeline that offers this?

Many thanks


Hey Kat,

The Match Height feature for our Posts module is already in place. Chances are high it gets released on the next patch but I’m not really certain. I’ll ask the guys about it and get back to you. :slight_smile:


That sounds great Ben I’m happy to test the beta :slight_smile:

Probably pushing it here but will the option be available to have just a single row rather than grid format?

Thanks Kat

Hey Kat,

Not really sure what you mean there. Could you elaborate a bit?


I’ll give it a go, hope this makes sense - the grid layout automatically layers the post items, so when lots are presented like the blog layout it looks great but if we only want say 4/5 items as a homepage feed what happens on smaller screens sizes is that some of the posts will drop below, so if I have 4 post items in a row on my pc monitor it may rearrange to 3 grid items with the 4th below on the schools small monitors for example - I guess that’s the nature of the grid format! So having the option to layer the items in 2 columns or individually on smaller screens so they aesthetically align would be nice - although not essential!!


Hey Kat,

Yep, that’s how the grid format works. I actually thought of playing around with it via CSS but it’s not possible with the way the posts are being positioned.
