BB Theme & Bootstrap Responsive Utilities


Can I use Bootstrap Responsive Utilities such as “visible-md-*” in the BB module, advanced tab, class setting?

Hi Robert,

As long as the theme you are using has Bootstrap loaded (the BB theme does) those classes will work.


Hi Justin,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

I am using thee BB theme and I tried a few of the classes, visible-md-*, .hidden-sm, but they didn’t work. I’ll go back and play around some more.


Are you making sure to add it without the dot? Those classes get applied directly to the HTML, so adding that will cause it not to work.

Hey Bob,

So it looks like you don’t actually use this… visible-md-*

Instead, you need to do… visible-md-block

Let me know if that helps.



That did it, thank you!

Group of classes CSS display
.visible--block display: block;
-inline display: inline;
.visible-*-inline-block display: inline-block;