Beaver builder and WP-Types Google Map Plugin conflict

I am using Beaver Builder on a site that also uses wp-types to generate custom post types (service providers in this case) and it all works perfectly except when I use the Google Map Module of wp-types in a view to generate a map with all the service providers as markers.
The map loads fine the first time but subsequent times it fails.
I have discussed this with the WP-Types team and they have identified an issue with Beaver Builders own Maps Module and suggested that I contact you for a possible resolution.

The original thread is here:

and the pertinent part of the discussion is duplicated below:

The reason that the Google Maps files are not being loaded is that when Views registers the files responsible for manipulating the map it also verifies the need to load the Google Maps JS files. This code is being run at all times but in the second it runs the scripts queued by the action hook "wp_enqueue_scripts" are being de-queued somewhere within BB. When BB is deactivated the enqueued files behave as expected and load normally.

A work around might be for me to disable BB on this page but it’s not ideal.

Many thanks for a beautiful plugin. I hope this is useful to you and I look forward to a resolution.

Hey Mouli,

I’ve already assigned another member of the team to check in on this. :slight_smile:


Hey Mouli,

Thanks for the detailed info. Would it be possible to get temporary admin access to test this ourselves?


Hi Justin,
Strangely it is now working and I can’t break it despite reproducing the steps that broke it before.
All I did was delete the BB cache in admin so maybe it was a caching issue.
I had disabled the Map Module in BB to see if it helped, which it didn’t but maybe the cache was causing it to still load. That’s your department though.
I am happy to mark this as resolved as I now have BB running on the page with a wp-types view which incorporates a map and its working!!
Do you still want access to have a look yourself?

Many thanks


Hey Mouli,

Thanks for the follow up! If I can’t recreate it then it will be hard to solve. Get in touch if it comes up again and we’ll have a look.
