Beaver Builder site CLS issues (Google Pagespeed)


We designed our website with a BB child theme. The only major issue I’m having is that we get a very negative CLS score on Google Pagespeed Insights on almost every page. Our homepage doesn’t have this issue, but if I clone it then the copied version of the page does. As Google is set to make CLS a ranking factor in 2021, I would like to improve this. I have tried setting minimum content heights but my technical knowledge is limited. Does anyone have any suggestions?




did you get an answer on this?


Unfortunately not! It’s still an issue. We haven’t had the chance to get a developer to look into it yet, and haven’t found any straightforward solution. There’s a significant shift within the first second or two of the page loading, afterwards it’s perfectly stable but it means many pages on our site are getting a poor CLS score for the desktop version (mobile is generally fine, probably because it’s a narrow single column layout).

I second this it does seem that BB is causing a lot of CLS within its rows and modules.

any progress from developer about CLS issues ?