Best way to use a multi-field post grid filter for CPT?

I have been searching the forum and have found “we are working on it” replies from 2015, and suggestions to Google “post grid filter” but am looking for information re: is this in BB yet? This page is an example for what I need: The custom posts are the people, and note there are three fields above to filter in real-time the people below, via name, service, or title. Those will be custom fields, titles and taxonomies.

I’d prefer to avoid adding a plugin and glad to code as much of it as I need to myself, but i wanted to find the best path to do so. I am not new to coding PHP, jQuery, and so on. I’ve used Beaver Builder to build a few sites, but they were pretty basic and I didn’t get into any of the deeper extending of it. I’ve usually end up using Elementor and ACF, but am excited to get deeper here.

So, any suggestions on the best way or ways to approach this? Maybe links to BB dev doc pages I should see? Or should i just do it all manually?

I’ve just done this myself using jQuery.

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