Beta Theme Crashes


I found this by accident. I have the beta theme on a wireframe and was mucking around having a look at it. I decided I would change the logo and, as I was already in the Media section, I deleted the image from the site while it was still selected in the logo section of the Customizer. This crashed my site with a 500 internal server error.

I took both the beta theme and its child off the server and loaded it up again. I repeated what I did above and have crashed the site again.

It is not my normal procedure to remove an image from Media before removing it from the Customizer but I was just playing around. I imagine that someone at some point will do this and crash their site. So I thought I would just bring this to your attention.



Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention, John. We’ll do some testing on our end to get this figured out. Thanks again!
