Can't find "Admin Settings"

We are running a WordPress network installation and we are unable to find the “Admin Settings” for the Beaver Builder Plugin under “Network Admin”.

When we try to call

We get an error, that we do not have enough rights.


Hey Daniel,

Sorry to hear about that. I’m going to endorse this to another team member but before doing so, would it be possible for you to provide the site url as well as admin credentials so they may check further?


Hey Ben,

the project isn’t on a live server yet :confused:


Hey Daniel,

It’s pretty hard/impossible for us to troubleshoot a site which isn’t live so we’ll have to go through some steps. Does the site have any other admin user you can use? Have you tried disabling all plugins except BB and see if the same problem is happening?


Hi Ben,

I’ve tried another admin account AND disabling all plugins except BB but menu entry does not appear (and entering the URL manually throws the error message “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”)


Hey Daniel,

I really apologize but as much as we would like to help, we really can’t do much on a local install of the site. :frowning:


Hey Ben,

after some debugging I’ve found out that the following settings caused the error:

define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, true);

We’ve set this in out special WP installation to prevent any file modifications or plugin updates in WP admin.

Maybe you can check your settings/plugin to get it work with this setting = true ?!


Hi Daniel,

Thank you for getting back to us. This can be fixed for now by editing line 35 of classes/class-fl-builder-multisite-settings.php. Change $cap = ‘delete_plugins’; to $cap = ‘manage_network’;. Regarding making our plugin work with the setting turned on, we’ll look into it.


Ok, we will fix this temporarily. Hope you can fix this in an upcoming update.
