Center gallery

Hi, I am using Gallery and it is not centered on different resolutions. Sometimes one item lines up bellow other items (not in one horizontal line). You can check it here -

Any help is very welcome :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hey Julius,

I can see you’re using the Collage layout. Can you switch to Thumb and see if you get the same thing? Can you also check if there’s a noticeable difference between the two?


Hi, sorry for late answer. Well, thumbs are being centered well, however, I like the gallery, since it crops images to the same size and also images are bigger than using thumbs. Another issue is that on smaller resolutions, images appears in two rows - is it possible to stay them in one row? Many thanks!

Hey Julius,

Sorry to say but with how the script works, we won’t be able to do it via CSS. If you’ve a minute, feel free to add this as a feature request on our User Voice! :slight_smile:
