change color on level 2 and 3 drop down menus

Is it possible with your plun in to change the color on level 2 and 3 drop downs without knowing code?

Hey Karen,

Our plugin has a Menu module, but it doesn’t have a setting for that unfortunately. It can only change the background color, not the color of the link on the submenu itself.


I am not looking to have the link change color but the background on the level 2 and level 3 menu items

Hi Karen,

You already have a topic regarding this question where I replied asking for a link to your site so we can help further.

I have locked that topic, as we like to keep our forums neat and tidy. Therefore, can you provide a link to your site and we can see if we can style your child and grandchild menu items with different background colors.


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Hi Karen,

Can you try the following CSS, please.

/* What We Do SubMenu > SubMenu */
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-65 .sub-menu .sub-menu {
    background: #008000;
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-65 .sub-menu .sub-menu li a {
  color: #FFF;
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-65 .sub-menu .sub-menu li a:hover {
  color: #FFF;
/* About SubMenu > SubMenu */
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-76 .sub-menu .sub-menu {
    background: #F00;
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-76 .sub-menu .sub-menu li a {
  color: #FFF;
.fl-page-nav .menu-item-76 .sub-menu .sub-menu li a:hover {
  color: #0FF;

This should give the “What We Do” sub-menu a green background with black links and the “About” sub-menu a red background with black links. I’ve also included CSS for the hover color in-case you needed it.


It was only the level 2 menu I wanted to change. Not the level one. I wanted to change JUST the level two to #00fcff with black text

Hi Karen,

I’ve updated the code in my post above, can you copy that and replace the previous code. Then update the color values to your preference. This should now only style the grandchild menu items.


Thank you so much

No problem, Karen. Happy to help!
