Change the language of Beaver Page Builder

Hi there , I am new to Beaver and for some reason the default language when editing using the page builder has changed to Spanish. I can not see where the option is to change it back to english. I’d really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.

Hi Joesph,

Did you change your WordPress language settings in WordPress Admin Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language (Scroll down, it’s the last option). If this is set to Spanish, set the language back to your preferred language, save the change and this should resolve your issue.


Hey Danny ,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

No I didn’t change the language in Wordpress Admin. But I have found out what the problem is. I have WMPL plugin installed and the language used for the BB page builder is dependent on what language you selected for that particular page using the WMPL plugin option.

All the best


Hey Joseph,

Glad you figured it out, and thanks for taking the time to inform us as well as for sharing the cause of the issue. We really appreciate it! :slight_smile:


Hi! I have a similar question:

Where do I change BB language?
I mean, I allready changed wordpress dashboard language but BB page builder is still in English.
I’m using 1.7.3 BB plugin pro.

Thanks in advance!
Claudio Brites

Hey Claudio,

What language did you set it to? The link below has a list of the available translations we have. Can you check if the language you’re using is there?


I have never set it to anything eheheheh.
I usually just install the pluging and thats it.

Thats why Im asking where do I find those languages options.

EDIT: Or… are you telling me that if I change my Wordpress instalation to one of the available translations BB will follow that translation?


Yeah… so… I just went along and test it, and yes it automatically changes the page builder to the the language I’ve set in Wordpress general options.

It was Portuguese from Portugal by the way!
I’ve had to change my Wordpress language to Portuguese from Brasil.


Can I help out and translate it to Portuguese from Portugal?
I would be very glad to do it!

Hey Claudio,

That would be super! Can you send us an email and we’ll take it from there? hello [at] wpbeaverbuilder [dot] com


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Hey Claudio,

That is not the case at all! And I apologize if you felt that way. Support has been pretty crazy lately and we can’t answer everyone realtime. I did check the hello email just now but I can’t find your name? What email did you use? Can you resend as we’d love to take this there. :slight_smile:

That is correct in that you use Poedit for the translation. Simply head over to the /wp-content/bb-plugin/languages/ folder and you’ll find a xx_XX.pot file there. That’s the blank template for translations. Take note though that it hasn’t been updated with the terms from the new modules. You’ll have to edit the Update button on the top in Poedit to retrieve them.


Hi Ben!
I thought I sent you an email before but I wrote your email wrong…
And Hotmail just sent me the postmaster message today…
My bad!

Anyway, translation is in the works!
And errrr… yeah… it takes a lot of time as there is a lot to translate.
I will try to finish today so that you can push Portuguese language into the new update.

I’ll keep you posted by email claudiobrites[at]hotmail[dot]com

Awesome! And yes, let’s take it from there. :slight_smile:


It’s done!
It was a ten hour work with little sleep but it is done!

I started (wrongly because it was my time) from an existing pt_BR.po file since 40% of the Brazilian Portuguese translation is equal and then simply renamed it pt_PT.po… is this ok too, or… will it result in future problems?

Another issue is that I downloaded the pt_BR.po file from a 1.7.3 plugin so there are some items from the Beta now missing translation.

How can I add those missing items so that I can translate them?

Best Regards,
Claudio Brites

Hey Claudio,

There should be an update button in Poedit where it parses all the files and retrieves the new terms that are translatable. I’m on a Windows version of Poedit and here’s what the button looks like.

View post on


Yeah I used that button but… it just retrieves a bunch of error.
Can you send me your most recent xx_XX.pot file ?
I think I can just take it from there.


Yep, no worries! Taking this to email. :slight_smile:
