Clickable images in slideshow

Hi support,

Could you tell me if it’s possible to make images in the slideshow clickable?



Hey Gerry,

It is possible to have a single click action in the slideshow module, but not several click actions for multiple images. You would need to use the content slider for something like that. The content module is pretty neat in what you can do so give that a shot and let me know if I can be of further assistance!


Hi Billy,

Thanks for helping, I’ll do that. My client particularly liked the option to click on the expand button on the slideshow, is that availalble on the content module?



Hey Gerry,

I’m not sure what you mean by the expand button. The content slider is pretty robust though! Give it a shot and let me know if you have any issues.


Hi Billy,

I didn’t explain fully. The slider has a button on bottom RHS to expand images to full screen, it’s an effective feature.

Thanks, Gerry

Hey Gerry,

Unfortunately no, that isn’t a function of the content slider. You’re welcome to add that as a feature request if you like for either option we’ve discussed in this thread.


Being able to add links to images in a slideshow seems like a good idea. Even with the content slider it seems the only thing clickable is the “call to action” when, really, I just want an entire image to go to a particular page . . . . the slideshow is really just a bunch of “feature images” to get someone to click. Not that anyone ever does. But still.