Comments not showing & Blog header color override

I can’t figure out why the comments are not showing up on the blog posts. I have it everything set in the settings as well as the comments checked within the post but it is still not showing. Any ideas??

Also, the blog posts headings are linked but they are not the link color they are supposed to be. The hover is correct but not the link itself. I also noticed that the all of the links on the hover added a line underneath but the CSS said none for the text decoration. I had to put !important in the CSS for it to work correctly. Not sure why that was happening either.


Hi Michelle,

If comments are not displaying, then you must have them disabled. Can you check your settings to see if this is the case, please?

In regards to the Blog posts title color, are you referring to the link you posted above? If so, the reason as to why they’re not the same color as on your blog page is because they’re not a link.

To change this use the following CSS.

.single .fl-post-title {
  color: #8f7b72;

What CSS did you add to stop the underline on hover? As I am not seeing your custom CSS.


Sorry, I meant that it was on the blog page and not that particular post. For the CSS I added it to the customizer CSS section. I actually gave you the super admin rights for this on the other post about the domain mapping. You can check everything out if you want to. Thanks!

Hey Michelle,

The underline CSS is actually from the Bootstrap framework that the BB theme is based out of. It’s applied only when a link is hovered, so you can’t see it if you check the link in its normal state. I’m using Chrome and part of its dev tool is the ability to ‘force hover’ an element, so you can check its style. Check the screencap below for reference.

You can override that CSS without the important declaration via a:hover { text-decoration: none; }. That should work if you place it inside the theme customizer’s CSS Code section.

Re the title color, it doesn’t follow the link color as it’s a heading. It follows the Heading Color instead.

Re the comments, I checked and it does seem you have everything set. The only problem I see is that you’re using a 3rd party comment plugin which I have no idea what it does nor how it works. I’d suggest disabling all other plugin except BB and see if that fixes the comment system.


Thanks! As for the comments, I turned off all plugins including the network activated ones except for BB. With those all deactivated, the comments are still not showing up. I emptied the cache too just in case but nothing. Now what?

When I add in a comment manually from the post in WP, the comment will show up but there is still no option to add comments.

Hi Michelle,

Have to say this is very odd. Therefore, do I have permission to disable all active plugins on the 3gbooks site, please?


Yes you do. There are some that are network activated because those also go to the other site and are being used but the client knows I/we are working on it.

Hey Michelle,

Sorry, just to be clear, can we disable all plugins including those that are Network Activated? Or do you think it’s better if you try it on your end, seeing as there’s another site that might be affected?


Yes it is fine. I will let her know you are trouleshooting.

Hey Michelle,

Sorry, can’t really find anything on the backend of the site. Do you think you can share FTP access to the site as well so we can dig deeper?


[Content Hidden]

Hi Michelle,

This is a very odd issue and I have just been doing some reading on comments not working or missing on Multisite. Therefore, is it possible for you to disable the Domain Mapping plugin, please? As this may be the cause of your issue.

Also, I see that Ben has already mentioned that the domain mapping plugin you’re using hasn’t been updated in over a year.

Let us know if disabling it brings back your comments.


No it did not.

Hey Michelle,

It looks like this isn’t caused by the BB theme. Our lead dev tried renaming the comments.php file from the theme, forcing the site to use the core file for comments and it still says Comments are closed. Can you try switching to a different theme and see if it makes a difference? I’d suggest trying one of those free TwentyX themes.

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No it didn’t change it. This is so bizarre.

Hey Michelle,

I believe whatever theme you use, the comments will be disabled. It probably has something to do with your WP install or how you set up your multisite. It might even have something to do with the server the site is sitting on, not really sure. Perhaps try asking on the support forums and see if they can help. Sorry we don’t have a better answer for you.


I added a test post and the comment section showed up on the new one. I am not sure why or how this happened all of a sudden. The other previous post, I deleted and redid it as a new one. It is showing up now. I am not understanding why the glitch but we are good for now :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Well, that certainly was a weird one! Glad you figured it out though! And thanks for taking the time to inform us. :slight_smile:

