Contact form uses WP Admin email address as "from" address

Hi All - strange one. The BB contact form is using the WP adminstrator email address as the “from/reply to address” and not the email address used by the person submitting the form. Please advise? Thank you. Hilton

Thats because the email you receive from your wordpress install is from your wordpress install to you.

In order for the from address to be someone else’s it would have to be sent from somewhere else OR the users email would have to be configured to allow sending from ANY domain, which it wont be.

The Reply-To address will however be set to the users email.

Thank you for your reply.
Your reply does not quite make sense, sorry.

When someone sends an email via a contact form on a website, they enter their name, email address and message. One would expect the “reply to address” to be that of the entered email address. This is not the case here. The from address and reply to address are both the WP adminstrator email address.

This is not the expected behaviour

I can assure you the reply-to is set to whatever the user enters in the form, I did a quick test to show you:

Here is the raw email you can see the To and Reply-to addresses are different, one is the wp install, the other is what I entered into the form.


Are you able to see the raw headers in your email client?

Perhaps another plugin is filtering wp_mail and changing the headers or maybe there is a PHP setting on your host that changes the headers to reduce the risk of spam.

The best way to ensure deliverability is to use SMTP and a service like mailgun.

Thank you, I am sure I will get to the bottom of this one. Appreciate it.