Content Slider/Post Carousel Links don't work in Chrome

I run a site for the CSU Office of Engagement ( ). Since the last update of Chrome (Version 74.0.3729.169) the links on the 2 home page slideshows (a Content Slider just below the top main menu, and a Post Carousel in the spotlight section) the links no longer work. All the other pages on the site are working fine, and the links on the homepage not associated with the slideshows are working fine.

I’ve checked multiple forums, and have not seen the issue addressed.

Thank you,

I have the same problem. I have a Post Carousel on my main page and both the link for the Post title and Read More do not work in Chrome (Desktop), but fine in Firefox, IE, and Chrome (Android). I have done a lot of research, but cannot find any real solution to this problem.


What is your site URL? Please share.

BB Carousel module is running BX Slider which has a known issue with recent versions of Chrome i think.
It’s awaiting for a fix by BX Slider.

Meanwhile, i use PowerPack Carousel module which runs another « engine ».

Thank you for the help.