Custom image sizes appear and disappear (bug?)


I have a few extra sizes set up in my Wordpress functions besides the standard ones (full-size, medium, thumbnail).

When I am using Beaver Builder, when I select a new image or replace an image it gives me the option to choose between any of the sizes (the “standard” and my custom ones").

But if I go back to that image and edit any other adjustments it changes to one of the standards (usually the thumbnail), so I have to replace again the image every time.

Not a big deal if the src responsive image system is applied in future updates, but still there. :wink:

Hi Pablo,

Is it possible for you to record the issue, so we can see first hand the problem. As Beaver Builder Photo module was updated to support SrcSet in version


Cool, I will try to record the issue, but if the SCRset is working I can always use a big size image and don’t bother about it. ^^

On the other hand, the srcset is not working on background images or fullscreen (full height and full width) images, right? Any plans to integrate that too?

Hey Pablo,

Image-set is the background image counterpart of the srcset attribute but WP didn’t add support for that yet. We’re actually using Core WP functions for the srcset currently, and will do the same once WP adds in support for image-set. :slight_smile:


Awesome, great to know. :slight_smile: