Custom Module Plugin: Error on Drag onto Page


Any clue how I could resolve this error thrown on a custom module plugin?

Warning: include(/home/wpgenius/public_html/demo/wp-content/plugins/item9-modules///includes/text.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/wpgenius/public_html/demo/wp-content/plugins/item9-modules/text-chooser-assets/includes/chooser.php on line 10

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/home/wpgenius/public_html/demo/wp-content/plugins/item9-modules///includes/text.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php55/pear') in /home/wpgenius/public_html/demo/wp-content/plugins/item9-modules/text-chooser-assets/includes/chooser.php on line 10

Let me know if you need a copy of the plugin. Thanks!

Here’s Line 10 from chooser.php, for reference:

<?php include I9_MODULES_DIR . '/' . $_REQUEST['type'] . '/includes/text.php'; ?>

Hey Jason,

Good to hear from you. If you shoot me a copy of the plugin I can have a look. It looks like $_REQUEST[‘type’] isn’t being set.


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Hey Jason,

You can fix this by replacing $_REQUEST[‘type’] with $_REQUEST[‘fl_builder_data’][‘type’] on line 10. Let me know if that doesn’t help.


That change worked. Thank you for the quick solution.