Custom Search Results Page with Beaver Themer

Is it possible to customize the search results page with Beaver Themer ??

I tried to create with Archive type and then Search Results but without success.

Yes, it should work. When you said you had no success, what in particular wasn’t working?

When I choose the results page in beaver themer, when I go to the beaver builder it loads a POSTS page. I save the style and when I use the search it loads all posts and not those filtered by the search.

Jamie, sorry.

The edition opened as Post Archive and not as Search Results by default.

I have already identified my fault! LOL

Are there any documents on customising the search results page? I tried to create a themer template page for search results, but it doesn’t seem to really show the results from the search.

Any help would be most appreciated. Please see grab of config, eg I would like to show only products in a grid type template.