Disable CSS when not in use


I use Beaver Builder on some specific pages of my website (home, landing pages …) but I don’t use it on many others (search, archives, other pages…)

How do I prevent the css and javascript files from loading on those pages where the BB editor is not used?


Beaver Builder only adds its layout css when a page is using Beaver Builder. What CSS is being added? Do you have an example page?


This is a simple search page, without BB: https://dondetuwebtelleve.com/?s=mantenimiento

I needed to add css to override rules included in this file: https://dondetuwebtelleve.com/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/95-layout-partial.css?ver=a27161fdf11f311c87ce2385992da21b

I cleaned BB caché, web caché and browser cache. Still there.

It also loads font awesome, one more css file and 2 javascript files.

That page has a builder layout applied, that’s why those files are loading… they are dependencies for the layout … however the layout isn’t rendered perhaps because your theme search template is not using the main content filters or something. If in doubt contact support.

That page is the Genesis search template. I did not use BB on it at any time.
That is precisely the problem. Stylesheets are loaded that shouldn’t be there.

Contact support, the page IS a layout that’s why there are layout css/js loaded and specific layout body classes, the fact its not showing the content is because of your template ( I am just guessing )

And in your opinion, how could that page have been turned into a BB template?

As far as I know, with the plugin I can only add BB content in 3 ways:

  1. Create a page / post and use the builder.
  2. Create a page / post and add a shortcode.
  3. Create a file in my child theme and add a shortcode.

In my back-end there is no page / post to search
In my Child Theme there is no search.php file and I have enough knowledge to not modify the parent theme.

Then? How could BB have gotten here? Because for me that is the real problem of this matter.

Impossible for me to tell from just a URL
As long as you added a login so support can actually see whats going on then hopefully you will find out.