Disable jump on Advanced Tabs Module

Hi folks,

I’m a bit stuck on how to stop the scrolling behavior when a jump link (anchor link/page jump) is targeted at Ultimate Add-Ons Advanced Tabs module.

Currently, I have a link on the left side that when clicked selects the appropriate Advanced Tab. It works splendidly. However, my client does not like the way the map always focuses to the top of the page. If you were to nudge your scroll wheel it can create a jarring motion back up.

I’ve ran up and down the internet trying to find a solution for this. I’ve been able to find where this is located in the Beaver Builder js files (fl-builder-layout.js), and have tried a few JQuery solutions to remove the default behavior.

I’m not sure how to turn off that method/function in the JS file, and can’t seem to find an answer. This may be above my skill level.

This is the page where it is at:

Does anyone have some suggestions?

Hi, not 100% sure it answers your concern but have a look here:

With JS, you can prevent a link to trigger with e.preventDefault();

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Good morning Avanti and thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t look like it will provide me the functionality they’re requesting.

I’ve been able to get the e.preventDefault(); to work perfectly fine, but there’s still a JS behavior that causes the module to focus to the center of the page.

For example, on the page, you’ll notice that if you click any of the links under “OPI Places of Interest” it doesn’t append the URL with the “#interactive-map-1”.

Sorry, i don’t know how to prevent the page scroll after clicking a link in a tab.
I tried this, doesn’t work:

        $('.uabb-adv-accordion-content a').click( function(e) {

Maybe there’s a JS action triggering the scroll after the click, you should ask UABB support.

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No problem! I appreciate you going out of your way to look into it.

I’ll reach out to UABB and see what they have to say. If I get a response I’ll make sure to update this post with it for future users.

This is a shot in the dark, but were they able to solve your issue?