FAQ - Enable Scheme Yes/no

There is a Yes/No option to enable schema markup on the FAQ Module. What are the advantages and disadvantages for either of the options?

Beaver Builder does not have an FAQ module.

I’ve been using it for quite awhile.

Oh I see, it isnt a BB module though
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lol haha. - Ok so let’s move forward here… there is a yes/no option (original screen shot) to enable schema markup on the FAQ Module. What are the advantages and disadvantages of either of the options?

You would have to ask the UABB authors, perhaps it is mentioned in their docs.

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Hi @msordillo - You will probably find this article useful. Checking your browser - reCAPTCHA

In essence, schema markup is a way of making it clear to search engines what the content is - and providing it to that search engine in a format it can re-use. Like the product feeds you see sometimes. I hope this helps!

I don’t know why the title says “Checking your browser - reCAPTCHA”. It links to a good Semrush article on what Schema Markup is.

Great thank you! I’m less looking for what schema is, just trying to understand why one would click “no” on that option.

I guess if you didn’t need the optimisation?