Field name changing with selection?

You ever seen it when a select field name changes with selection?

This is my code:

'mc_animation'     => array(
                        'type'          => 'select',
                        'label'         => __('Animation', 'fl-builder'),
                        'default'       => 'fade',
                        'options'       => array(
                            'fade'    => 'Fade In',
                            'flyInLeft'        => 'Fly In Left',
                            'flyInRight'        => 'Fly In Right',
                        'help'          => 'You can define the entrance modal animation here. Available options are “fade”, “flyInLeft”, “flyInRight”, “flyInUp” and “flyInDown”. The default value is “fade”.',
                    ), // end animation

And watch what is happening

Hey Jon,

I see this is resolved. What was the issue?


It was just me being stupid. Even though I cleared all my caches, the module stored its own cache. So just had to delete the module and draw a new one.