FLBuilder::render_query for custom post type

Hi !

I need to render the layout of custom post type in a page.
The content of my custom post type are created with beaver builder.
I need to display their content on a page in a custom module so I thought using FLBuilder::render_query but it returns me nothing.

I wrote that :

FLBuilder::render_query( array(
	'post_type' => 'cpt-name',
    	'p'         => 123
) );

I already check for the cpt-name and the ID and it’s good. In the doc I found that I can use all the $args of wp_query so I tried

FLBuilder::render_query( array(
	'post_type' => 'cpt-name',
    	'post__in'         => array(123)
) );

It don’t works either. But it works great with :

FLBuilder::render_query( array(
    'page_id' => 15978
) );

Because 15978 is a page.

Thanks for your help !