Footer href Links not working

Hi! I have noticed that no html links are working anymore in the Footer Layout of the Beaver Builder Theme. I have three Websites with links to sites they are not visible in the header menue. For example for the privacy.

I have this code embedded and it worked fine all the time:

© 2020 my Company I <a href=“”>Privacy </a>

Interesting fact is that the html code for the mailto is working fine and a new tab to write in the Mail prog opens. Only refs to internal or external sites are not working (Site dosn’t exist or nothing happens if it’s a external link.

Thanks for the help!

Can you provide the URL to the site?

Of course:
But at the momemt there are no links in the footer, i puted the footer menue in. This works of course very good.

We would need to see the Footer with the issue.

Hello i have the same Problem

Beaver Builder Themer Layouts
and Footer

links are not working because: the link-struktur are false
z.b. Link to

but if write the Link with http or https
after reload the links are function

Same as above. We’d need to see your site and be able to see the footer issue.