get settings of module by page_id - from global module

Hi guys,
one short question:

Based on you module “contact-form” we developed a custom module, which sends an request via ajax.

In the ajax function i have to get the module-settings.

This code works well:

$data = FLBuilderModel::get_layout_data(‘published’, $post_id);
$settings = $data[$node_id]->settings;

But if the module is saved as “global” the code is not working.

How can i get the layout_data from the global module?



Hey Sebastian,

I’ve already assigned another member of the team to assist you with your concern! :slight_smile:


Hey Sebastian,

That’s a bit complicated but we have run into that before with the Subscribe Form module. I’ll try to explain that as best as I can here, but feel free to look at that module’s frontend.js and submit method of the FLSubscribeFormModule class.

First you’ll need to grab these variables to pass in your ajax request…

this.nodeClass = '.fl-node-' +;
this.form = $( this.nodeClass + ' .fl-subscribe-form' );

// These are the vars you need...
templateId = 'template-id' );
templateNodeId = 'template-node-id' );
nodeId = this.form.closest( '.fl-module' ).data( 'node' );

// Send them in your request
$.post( FLBuilderLayoutConfig.paths.wpAjaxUrl, {
	action  		: 'your_action',
	template_id 		: templateId,
	template_node_id 	: templateNodeId,
	node_id 			: nodeId
}, $.proxy( this._submitFormComplete, this ) );

On the server side, you can get the global template data like so…

$node_id    		= isset( $_POST['node_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['node_id'] ) : false;
$template_id    	= isset( $_POST['template_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['template_id'] ) : false;
$template_node_id   = isset( $_POST['template_node_id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['template_node_id'] ) : false;

if ( $template_id ) {
	$post_id  = FLBuilderModel::get_node_template_post_id( $template_id );
	$data	  = FLBuilderModel::get_layout_data( 'published', $post_id );
	$settings = $data[ $template_node_id ]->settings;
else {
	$module   = FLBuilderModel::get_module( $node_id );
	$settings = $module->settings;

Let me know if you have any questions about that.
