Getting sticky (fixed) columns to remain in front of media (video, photos, audio player)

I’m building a site at and using the beaver builder and beaver builder theme to create all the pages for our course.

I have a lesson template page that has a sticky row that is supposed to stay on top when you scroll - this is working. The problem is, all the photos / images, the embedded youtube video, the audio player, and some of the other elements show up on top of the sticky row when you scroll cover it up. The header and text elements are the only ones that seem to scroll behind the fixed columns.

I’ve assigned the sticky row a z-index of 9999 and I’ve tried to assign each of the elements that are showing up in front of that row s a z-index of 0 but this still isn’t working.

I’m not sure what to try given that assigning the z-index isn’t working.

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