Global Templates Available Across Multisite Network?

Hi there! I’m wondering if Global Templates can be available across a multisite network?

I read this (see below), but it wasn’t 100% clear if upgrading to Agency would give us that functionality. Let us know? Many thanks!

Override Core Templates (Agency Only)
On multisite installs the Override Core Templates setting allows you to enter the ID of a site on the network who’s templates should override the core templates for all other sites. You can find the ID of a site by editing it in the network admin and then looking for the ID in the URL as in the screenshot below.

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 10.44.44 PM
On single site installs the Override Core Templates setting will be a checkbox that will override the core templates with your own when checked.

Show Row Templates and Show Module Templates (Agency Only)
As of 1.6.3, when the Override Core Templates setting is set, you will also have settings for showing your row and module templates in the builder’s panel. When these settings are set, your row and module templates will show up as categorized sections within the builder’s panel on all sites in your network.

Hey Brian,

Just letting you know I’m checking in with the team on this one.


Hey Brian,

When you override the core templates, Global Templates will be converted to regular templates to subsites. You can still have Global Templates per subsite though. So, to answer your question, the Global Templates will be available across the multisite network but only as regular templates.


Hi Ben Carlo,

“when the Override Core Templates setting is set, you will also have settings for showing your row and module templates in the builder’s panel. When these settings are set, your row and module templates will show up as categorized sections within the builder’s panel on all sites in your network.”

I am running three websites under multisite network and BB Pro is installed. I want my saved rows and modules accessible across network sites. If I edit saved global rows / modules in one place, it need to be updated across the sites instantly (Thats the main reason I purchased this plugin today). This features is required when we run multiple version of the website (within multisite network) with same products or service. The content need to be updated in one place. Unfortunately I can’t see any option to do this. Please help.

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