Hamburger Icon broken menu

Hello All,

I am having an issue with our Website front page I can’t seem to solve. I have recently edited all of the breakpoints down by 1px in order to allow the DIVI theme we are running to play nicely with beaver builder.

The layout of the site consists of different rows with a large, medium and mobile breakpoint for each part of the content. I couldn’t get enough flexibility just using BB responsive editing mode.

Problem being now on smaller mobile devices such as iPhone SE the hamburger menu is broken. I have poured through the site CSS for the Divi theme and cannot find the right parameters to edit the breakpoint for the menu, fairly sure this is the issue.

site URL is

Does anyone have any thoughts on how I might go about resolving this issue… site works like a charm on a 9.7" tablet in portrait upwards, but becomes v. unreliable on mobile.

Any thoughts welcomed, I am still learning this stuff!

Best Wishes,
