Hamburger icon not in line with logo on mobile

Hi - my hamburger icon appears above the logo in mobile view. I want it alongside to save space. Any ideas? Site is Thanks

Sorry - found the answer on the knowledge base two minutes after posting, having spent hours looking before…

Having said that, the logo doesn’t appear now - only the hamburger icon. Any ideas?


Hi John,

You have the Photo module housing your logo image set to display on Large and Medium devices. You’ll need to also select the Small device toggle as well via the Visibility options.

Thanks Danny - I don’t think I explained properly. I’ve set up two rows in the header, one to be visible on larger screens, and the other for mobile only. The first row therefore was set to be invisible on the mobile screen. In the mobile view I want a hamburger icon to appear in line and to the left of the logo. I don’t seem to be able to find a way to do this.

I was thinking ‘centred+inline’ option under menu might do it. But maybe not?

To do this, you’ll need to give each column a specific width for small devices, such as each column a width of 50%.

If you want the hamburger menu to be on the left, you’ll need to enable the Reverse Column Order option so that the order is reversed. You may also need to adjust the Photo module’s width option to size your logo image.

Brilliant - thanks Danny. This now works.

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