Hex colors not exact

Another issue I’ve had over the last couple of months is that when I add a color using hex values in a color picker - when it is saved and I look at the color again - the hex value is different. So it seems that the actual hex colors that are applied in builder are sometimes estimates of a color rather than the actual color value.

Check it out a tell me what you think. I’ve been meaning to message you about this for a good couple of months (finally got round to it :slight_smile:

Hey Dennis,

Not really sure if I understood your problem correctly but what I did, I played around with a CTA Button’s background color. On the Page Builder, I selected a color via the color picker, listed down its hex value and published the page. I went over to the CTA Button, on the frontend this time, and inspected it and it uses the exact same hex value as I picked on the Page Builder. Changed the value over 10 times and same thing is happening. Could you elaborate a bit more? Like maybe on what module this is happening to?


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Hey Dennis,

That’s perfect. I already have assigned the other guys on this thread so they can check it too.


Hey Dennis,

I’ve already submitted a bug report for this but I can’t really say when this will be looked at as they’re pretty busy right now. If you could please just leave the GIF there we’d greatly appreciate it.


ok will do.