How can I insert my affiliate link in the footer?

I would like to insert my bb affiliate link in the footer. How can I do it? Thanks.

Hi Amor,

If you are using the Beaver Builder theme, just visit the customizer via dashboard > appearance > customizer and the section you’ll want to look for is footer > footer layout. We have text areas to where you can place some text with a URL in HTML if you like.


Hi Billy,

I know the area but it’s not converting my affialiate link into a clickable link if you know what I mean.
I insert And that’s the way it’s viewed. How do I make it a proper link?

Hey Amor,

In that text field you have to use HTML in order to get a link to show. For example:

<a href="affiliateurl">My Affiliate Link</a>

This would make the text ‘My Affiliate Link’ clickable to your affiliate URL.


Thanks so much billy

Very welcome, Amor, enjoy!