How do I Deactivate the javascript confirmations?

When doing intense work and you are going back one forth between building/testing pages and the dashboard, etc , the javascript that pops up when you need to discard changes (“Do you really want to discard these changes?”) can get very intrusive and it makes a really long process from clicking on “Done”, then “Discard Changes” and then the “Popup” … is there anyway to deactivate that?

Also how can I make the right sidebar (where all the building tools are) be hidden by default and only show up when I need them by clicking on “add content”? again, when doing intense work (especially if using a small screen computer) it can get very intrusive because you only need that bar when you want to add content, but when you are intensively editing what you already have, that bar is very unnecessary!

It’d be nice to get those options under settings, but for now, could you please point me to where do i edit that manually ? Appreciate your amazing work with this plugin! The more I use it, the more I love it! Thank youuuuuuuuuu!

Hey Carlos,

I’ve already assigned another member of the team who can assist you with your concern.


Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the detailed feedback. While it would be quite a project to create a setting to disable all notifications, and we do want them to protect people from accidentally losing content, you could probably disable them with a little JS code. This is untested but should do the trick for disabling alerts while the builder is active…

( function( $ ){
    $( function(){
        if ( $( 'html' ).hasClass( 'fl-builder-edit' ) ) {
            alert = function(){};
    } );
} )( jQuery );
Also how can I make the right sidebar (where all the building tools are) be hidden by default and only show up when I need them by clicking on “add content”?

Again, untested, but you could probably do that with this CSS…

.fl-builder-edit .fl-builder-bar .fl-builder-add-content-button { display: block; }

.fl-builder-edit .fl-builder-panel { display: none; }

Let me know if you have any questions about that.


Appreciate you doing this for me… I got the CSS overrides to work but not the js … where exactly (file name) should i put it in? I know this can be overridden with updates but for now its ok, I’ll keep this code snippets to be re-added when updates (or will find a good plugin to do overrides) … please let me know

Hi Carlos,

If you’re using the BB theme, you can place the JS in the Customizer under Code > JavaScript Code. If you’re using another theme, you’ll need to add it to a new JS file and enqueue that using wp_enqueue_script.

FYI, you might want to change your username in our forums to something other than your email address to keep that private.
