How do I retrieve a saved draft?

After I’ve been working on a landing page for a while I click on “Save draft”. But then I can’t find the draft to continue working on it. It’s not among the drafts in my Pages tab in the Wordpress panel. How do I find the draft?

Hi Bosse,
open the page with Page Builder and you should see the last saved draft instead of the currently published page.

From there you can continue your editing and publish the changes or discard the draft to get back the last published page in editing mode too.

Hope this helps!


Thank you Alessandro,
Now that you mention it that actually happened once, but I didn´t understand the mechanism so I might have discarded the draft and gone looking for a draft in the Wordpress panel which seemed most logical to me. But now I know how it’s supposed to work. Thanks again.

You’re welcome Bosse!
Yes, is like that, BB draft adds a feature that WP is missing, you can save draft modifications of a published post.
BB changes the WP status of your posts only when you click “Publish changes” on posts which WP status is draft. In that case the WP status is updated to Published.

Stressing the model from a UX standpoint maybe the BB team should consider adding a “draft” label on the top bar to make evident when you’re seeing a BB draft.

Another thing I think worth considering is to save a draft as a normal WP draft when the WP status is draft… actually only the BB draft is updated, but I don’t feel that’s the most intuitive behaviour, as a WP draft page isn’t public and in this case a double layer doesn’t make sense to me.

EDIT… I’m thinking of an edge case where the current behaviour could create some hassle: if you want to check your draft page texts with Yoast SEO before to publish …